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"Prizefighter"The Journeymen


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Over on Face book the many boxers in Britain classed as journeymen are hoping to raise enough interest to nudge Barry Hearn or some other promoter into setting up a Prizefighter type competition, where by the guys that save many shows each year can get something back along with the bumps & bruises they usual get in short notice fights. They are not asking for the riches (£32,000) that comes from winning Barry's tourney just a chance to have decent notice instead of the usual last minute call.

I know we all at times decry what we see as lack of effort but we have to realise they are in there to do a job & that is to show the ropes to the novice,or stretch ability of the coming champ.

If you feel you can support this great project go to Face book Type in Daniel Thorpe then click on "prizefighter" (The Journeymen) As Delboy would say "you know it makes sense"

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