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McCrory: Del Boy would be a plonker to turn down Wlad fight


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So Derek Chisora has been offered a shot at Wladimir Klitschko. I've only got one thing to say on the subject: take it Del Boy!


Opportunity only knocks once and sometimes, in boxing and in life, you only get one shot. And when you get that shot, you have to make sure you are bang on target.


Timing is everything in this sport and it might just be the right time for Del Boy. Wladimir and Vitali Klitschko have been beating up on everyone in the heavyweight division, but that has to come to an end sooner or later.


People will say Chisora is too young, too inexperienced, but so what? He's on a roll right now and although 26 is a baby in heavyweight terms, I still believe the old adage: if you're good enough, you're old enough.


Ok, he has only had three 12-rounders but it's not as if he, like the rest of us, doesn't know what Wladimir is all about. He only has one plan - keep it at long range - and there is never a Plan B.


Derek Chisora has done what he has had to do domestically and until David Haye sorts something out, there is no-one left for the Klitschkos to face. Three months ago I was sat here wondering if Audley Harrisonwas worthy of a world-title shot but, like it or not, he has his now. So why not Del Boy?


Wlad knows he's chinny as well and you do wonder what would happen if a young, hungry fighter, with decent footwork and a decent dig gets in there and starts buzzing around him.


Samuel Peter was supposed to be the man to do that, but turned in a plodding performance with little movement and even less speed. If that fight in Frankfurt three weeks ago was a 400m race, he would still be running!


I'm not saying for a minute Chisora wins this, but why not take the chance? The worst think that can happen is that he gets a one-sided pasting, like Danny Williams did against Vitali, but at such a young age, Derek can always rebuild from that.


Wladimir lost to Corrie Sanders and Lamon Brewster in his twenties and Vitali was beaten by Lennox Lewis, but both have gone on to rule the heavyweight division.


Chisora has done what he has had to do domestically and until David Haye sorts something out, there is no-one left for the Klitschkos to face. Three months ago I was sat here wondering if Audley Harrison was worthy of a world-title shot but, like it or not, he has his now. So why not Del Boy?


People will also say that the whole experience of a Klitschko fight will be too much for him as well. I disagree.


I was sat ringside for the Peter fight and while yes, Klitschko shows in Germany are massive, massive occasions, they are actually quite sterile when you get there.


They are in huge football stadiums, so the crowd are not right on top of you as they would be at the York Hall, the ringside areas are very staid, with bar and eating areas, and there is no real clamour or hostile atmosphere to contend with. Impressive yes, but intimidating? No. We are not talking about a bear-pit here.


The one thing that will catch Chisora by surprise is the sheer size of Klitschko, but I don't think there is anything he can do in the ring that none of us have seen before.


Chisora really, really impressed in Magnificent Seven and certainly has that star-quality, that twinkle in his eye, that tells me he could be the next star of British boxing.


We just don't know how good he is. We know how good - and bad - Wladimir can be, so what better way for Chisora to find out just what he's got? After all, boxing is littered with stories of people who never got their big chance, that could've been contenders.


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I know the common thinking is that it doesn't hurt Chisora to take on this fight, he does nothing but benefit and who knows, he might be lucky. But are we overlooking the chance that he might also get damaged?


The author says "People will say Chisora is too young, too inexperienced, but so what? He's on a roll right now and although 26 is a baby in heavyweight terms". My thinking might be to turn that around. He's got a bright future, if not on the World Stage then certainly Euro, and while I see everyone's point in that regard, aren't we being a bit dismissive of the chances that a 14 fight prospect might be permanently damaged by a long standing Champ with 58 fights experience and who if he isn't at the top of his game, is still pretty close to it?

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For one thing this sounds like it's been ghostwritten cos Glen Mcrory never talks like that, and for another thing "Wlad only has one plan - keep it at long range, there is no plan B."


To quote Tim Minchin "Pigeonholing should be left for pigeons" - Anyone who thinks Wlad only knows how to fight one way has only seen the second half of his career.

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For one thing this sounds like it's been ghostwritten cos Glen Mcrory never talks like that, and for another thing "Wlad only has one plan - keep it at long range, there is no plan B."


To quote Tim Minchin "Pigeonholing should be left for pigeons" - Anyone who thinks Wlad only knows how to fight one way has only seen the second half of his career.


it's not the fact he doesn't know how to fight more than 1 way, it's just that he chooses to only fight 1 way

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if Chisora has some success against Wladimir then he shouldnt have his confidence knocked too badly. he goes into this fight with nothing to lose and everything to gain, hes got power and Wladimirs chin is suspect, you never know your luck in heavyweight boxing.


as said before though, if he's taking a beating his corner needs to stop it before it gets out of hand.


he's still young, he should take his payday and give it his best. if he loses, he can come back again. if he wins...then we've got the biggest heavyweight upset since Douglas sparked Tyson

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For one thing this sounds like it's been ghostwritten cos Glen Mcrory never talks like that, and for another thing "Wlad only has one plan - keep it at long range, there is no plan B."


To quote Tim Minchin "Pigeonholing should be left for pigeons" - Anyone who thinks Wlad only knows how to fight one way has only seen the second half of his career.


it's not the fact he doesn't know how to fight more than 1 way, it's just that he chooses to only fight 1 way


Exactly, but he's perfectly capable of fighting another way, as demonstrated in the past, so if it isn't working at range(which it will) I'd expect him to switch to throwing combinations up close.

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For one thing this sounds like it's been ghostwritten cos Glen Mcrory never talks like that, and for another thing "Wlad only has one plan - keep it at long range, there is no plan B."


To quote Tim Minchin "Pigeonholing should be left for pigeons" - Anyone who thinks Wlad only knows how to fight one way has only seen the second half of his career.


it's not the fact he doesn't know how to fight more than 1 way, it's just that he chooses to only fight 1 way


Exactly, but he's perfectly capable of fighting another way, as demonstrated in the past, so if it isn't working at range(which it will) I'd expect him to switch to throwing combinations up close.


He is capable of fighting that way but never will, He has had the chance plenty of times during his last 5 fights, the one that sticks out is the Chambers fight he is a non puncher and offered nothing, yet Wlad took 11 1/2 rounds to finally get to him.


He will always fight the same dont expect anything else.

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He hasn't had to - Chambers was no threat and I suspeect Chisora won;t be either. But Chisora can punch and is fast, so I suspect Wlad would open up on him if need be, the way he did earlier in his career. The trouble is nobody out there is capable of posing any real threat, so he probably will fight the same way.


EDIT: ninja'd by the younger man there.

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Dont think he'll be damaged physically, but mentally. Chisora is a confident type of guy...so was Lacy...

Exactly what I'm thinking, Lacy's name came up earlier today and that's what inspired my reply. Everyone assumed (and with good reason) that I meant physical damage, but I was also considering the mental part of it. Something like Duran-Davey Moore also comes to mind.


Wlad isn't the type of guy that just obliterates an opponent in the first round, he more or less tenderizes them with the long jab and bounces a few rights off him, more and more as the fight wears on, and they swell up, get discouraged, and then he finally kills them like a Matador does the Bull. A young fighter might be able to deal better mentally if he DID get annihilated in the first Round, rather than their attack being rendered impotent and swinging at air while taking fire in return.


I'm not very familiar with Chisora as you folks are, but some of you have mentioned that he has a bg ego and might stand to be taken down a notch, so maybe this isn't as big a concern.

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Its nice to see a young fresh unbeaten opponent stepping in. Nobody really knows what to expect. He is totally unexposed and is improving with each fight. Normally the opponents available are all beat up old guys who are fragile mentally and know how to lose a fight. I fully expect Wlad to beat up Chisora but I expect a gutsy determined and strong performance from the Englishman.
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He has only HAD to fight one way for years... unless he HAS to fight another way, he won't.


he'll have to fight another way if he fights Haye


there's no way he can fight how he does against Haye and get away with it, not at the speed David does things


he'd have to go back to the drawing board for that one and devise a new gameplan

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