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Big Brit Brawl of the Joes Saturday~Joyce vs Parker


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Both men are at career high weights. so take that for whatever.

A slower fight definitely favors Joyce,  who's the clear favorite regardless.


Parker will probably try to get inside early,  eat a few of those slow-but-thudding Joyce punches, then retreat to as close to the bleacher seats as he can get.


Both men will gas early, and it will be a boring fight with the inevitable Joyce KO late, when a desperate Parker tries one last time to swarm him.

This fight has the potential to make Canelo-GGG III seems positively electrifying.

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I've always seen more in Parker than he's actually shown. Somewhere in there is a better fighter than Joyce. Will we see it? That's the trick with Parker. He's a better mover. Has faster hands. It's concerning that he's at a career high weight. But I'll stick with his ability to move well enough to stay out of danger and avoid Joyce's bombs while getting in enough shots of his own. Parker takes it.

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I think Parker is a talented guy with a really lousy trainer.


What he does he does well,  when he's motivated.  (which is not every fight.)  But a very limited offense, extremely lacking defense, a short reach,  and only average power.


Basically, he's "Derek from Down Unda'  "


Well, no.  Chisora hits harder.

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3 hours ago, Cableaddict said:

I think Parker is a talented guy with a really lousy trainer.


What he does he does well,  when he's motivated.  (which is not every fight.)  But a very limited offense, extremely lacking defense, a short reach,  and only average power.


Basically, he's "Derek from Down Unda'  "


Well, no.  Chisora hits harder.

Don't rate Andy Lee as a trainer?

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14 hours ago, Ledhed1 said:

I've always seen more in Parker than he's actually shown. Somewhere in there is a better fighter than Joyce. Will we see it? That's the trick with Parker. He's a better mover. Has faster hands. It's concerning that he's at a career high weight. But I'll stick with his ability to move well enough to stay out of danger and avoid Joyce's bombs while getting in enough shots of his own. Parker takes it.

He was really impressive on the way-up. Once he got there, he seemed to stagnate. I blamed, his then trainer, Kevin Barry. He's with Andy Lee now, so tonight should show, if he's developed. Looked better in his last fight. Not sure what the weight means, whether it's planed or not. Not long and we find-out.

Joyce doesn't seem a big puncher and is slow, with shocking defense. Could be a lot of fireworks early. Intriguing fight.

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Watching the fight now,  I don't really see any difference in Parker's offense or defense.   He's just loading up with the right hand,  and eating a ton of punches.

I don't even see any of the old swarming inside game that Parker was so good at.

I guess Lee needs a little more time to make significant changes.


One positive, though, is that Parker definitely came to fight, and is not backing away.   He's making it an almost entertaining fight.

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My first impression was the extra weight would be a detriment to Parker and that Joyce was quicker than I'd given him credit for. It was close though 10; no wider than 6-4 Joyce imo. Parker let his hands go fairly consistently and timed Joyce's approaches well but wasn't nearly busy enough. Still the punches he landed were often flush but Joyce's punch resistance is off the charts. Joyce got away with ALOT of grabbing Parker's head which allowed him to prop up the target and place Parker in vulnerable positions; the ref was poor in addressing these fouls. Joyce comes forward like a tank. He got uber aggressive in two rounds in particular and finally put Parker away with an absolute howitzer.

For any Fury opponent to stand a chance, they've got to be able to take Fury's power and make an impact on Fury physically. I think Joyce possesses both of these traits. However this fight was a step toward a shot at Usyk. Usyk had a sniff at stopping AJ in their first fight. Not happening vs Joyce but Usyk runs circles around Joyce and befuddles him to no end. I think it would more resemble Haye-Valuev tbh because Joyce obviously doesn't move as well as AJ and Usyk would be desperate to avoid Joyce's bombs. But what we do know is this was a thoroughly impressive win for Joyce placing at the top of the contender list with Wilder and AJ. Joyce showed he's got some dog in him and a level of skill that perhaps surpasses his reputation. He's earned his shot at the title.

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I gave Parker one round.


Very few of his punches had anything on them, as he was afraid to commit (though certainly aggressive.)

And he took an incredible number of flush punches from Joyce,  round after round.

Was there ever a single moment in the fight when you though Parker might win?

Really?  Not me.  I was mostly bored,  just wondering when Joyce would finally take him out.


If you watch the fight without listening to the ridiculous commentators (who are paid to try and make the fight as even and exciting as possible)  I think you will see the truth.

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