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Taylor-Catterall Robbery of the decade now a police matter


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I really don't get it, the wrong fighter won for me but there was the whole fight was scrappy. I sent selij a message (sure it was selij) saying this is going to be a split decision.


Theres been a lot bigger robberys in boxing than this fight!


@Ledhed1 has it spot on "A politician trying to boost favor in his constituency"

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... And this results in fukall.


I J L will still get the same assignments as before, the fight is not declared a N/C, and the same crap will continue ad nauseum......


And it's hilarious that they can't even present a cohesive line of BS: They claim that only ONE card was suspect, & hence TAYLOR STILL WON, YET THEY RECOMMEND THAT CATRALL (who they say lost the fight) BE MADE THE MANDATORY IN ALL THE OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. (but not in their own, oh no.... )


Yeah, that makes perfect sense.




What a load of pigs bollocks.

Edited by Cableaddict
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I praised the commission for publicizing the results of its investigation and I stand by that - when do you ever see that? never - but the sanction against IJL was harsh. They accepted Loughlin's card (113-112 Taylor) but they downgrade IJL based on one round? The sanction was merely to show the public they acted in some way. And if they were satisfied with the result, why do they insist Catterall be granted a mandatory rematch? They're having it both ways; keeping up appearances making it look like they have backbone. If you found the result to be within reason, just say so rather than placating the uproar.
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