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Our diarist is inundated with options (By George: Part 10)

SORRY: Oakey gets an apology from our man

THIS week has been interesting. A few possibles, a few maybes and a few wishful thinkers but in all lots of ideas and a little bit more direction. Having a fight plan is what helps keep you sane, keeps the hairs on your head and the gym in your heart. What with my challenge for the British title now almost certain to be won on a purse bid, that fight has no date and is in the hands of the lucky winning promoter. Training for a fight with no date in mind is hard, but luckily for me I have a March 5 bout arranged to give me focus, heaps of sparring lined up to rally through and some possible, very plausible fight possibilities pre-March 5. I am a man who loves the sport, loves boxing and loves competing so for me the busier the better!


On the subject of sparring this week I was in with Dion Jumah, the ABA cruiserweight finalist of last year. He has also since then picked up a few England vests, all with successful efforts and impressive displays. I have written about him before but do feel his is a raw natural talent that gets better every time I see him. No doubt because of the guidance he has received at my old stomping ground Dale Youth and also because of the high-level sparring and boxing he is now involved in. A definite candidate for the 2012 games team, I hope he gets a look-in via a GB call-up or a box-off once he settles at an Olympic weight.


Those of you Sun readers this week would have seen me in there. Thank you Mr Warren for such a great spread. I mean the picture was top-notch. Half a page in the most-read British newspaper (don’t hold me to that fact). Although not all the nice things said were 100 per cent accurate. A few exaggerations I think, and a few porkies but hey, Great publicity. As was stated in the article the James DeGale fight will now go to purse bids. So if any of their team thinks I am uninterested in this fight think again. It’s a fight that will happen and reading his closing line he seems a little reluctant for this to go to purse bids.


I have also been working with the vastly knowledgeable Pete Marcasciano. He has taken over my conditioning for my March 5 bout. Straight away he noticed weaknesses I knew I had in my conditioning armoury but didn’t know how to solve. He did and within a day my performance in key areas has drastically improved. Plus it’s only the beginning, I’m improving at a frantic pace at the moment which not only makes you feel good but also makes you feel confident. I will not be able to divulge any specific methods or training plans but the results will speech for themselves on March 5.


Tuesday I was at the opening of Scorpion Kickboxing Club in Fulham’s new training gym at Hurlingham and Chelsea School. They have had an amateur boxing club opened there by a Mr Richard Powers. In the space of only a few months they have attracted 150 active members. All receiving a chance to learn the noble art for free. Great work done there by Richard; hope he is successful in his future expansion ideas. Also a great move for Scorpion Kickboxing Club. Their founder and my former coach Jason Stevens put them all through the paces, and with new bags hanging and a quality ring for pads and sparring, it’s looking up for all his fighters in 2011.


Off of boxing I want to mention I am involved in the car crash TV show that is Lost. Now I know I’m miles behind and this is old news for most but I and the better half are addicted. Her more so than me, we average a minimum of three episodes a night most nights. So far we’re up to Season Four, it has become ridiculously confusing with flashforwards as well as flashbacks. Anyone who hasn’t tried Lost I recommend it. As long as you’re in it for the randomness as well as the storyline, you will be just fine but with seven series; 24 episodes a series... marriage can be a lesser commitment (don’t tell her I said that).


Finally I would like to apologise to Tony Oakey. I hope my apology has been passed on. If not please check http://www.georgegroves.com. Thank you



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