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Victor Ortiz & Marcus Browne, fighting this Thursday!


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Thursday marks the return of Victor Ortiz, vs forgettable Louis Collazo. It's theoretically going to be televised on Fox Sports.


Collazo ?????


Still, you know, it's Victor Ortiz! How can you not like the guy?



And a heads-up, for fans of very promising young prospects:


LHW powerhouse Marcus Browne is also fighting Thursday night.


I REALLY like Browne, though he has yet to face anyone with an actual pulse. Still, he reminds me a lot of Kovalev, way back when I first saw HIM.


Browne was a 3x NYC Golden Gloves Champion, and a member of the 2012 US Olympic team.

He has great balance & power, & throws massive combos. I really like how he lands a big left from waaay outside.

He can be a little over-anxious, though. I've seen him foolishly lean in too far, trying to land that big left when he wasn't in position. He was smart enough to get his left shoulder up on the way out, but it still could have been a disaster.

Thursday he faces cabdriver Kentrell Claiborne. It’s a meaningless fight, but a chance to watch Browne get a workout. Also, well heck, it’s something to do on Thursday night.



Thursday. Whooda' thunkit?

Edited by Cableaddict
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