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Vitali Klitschko's wife sees man shot in front of her


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There's a strong tendency for the soft developed world to dismiss the dangers and pitfalls of 3rd world countries in turmoil, but it appears Vitali Klitschko and his wife are putting themselves on the line as masses of protesting citizens are in direct and often quite violent conflict with Ukrainian police over government actions.


This the latest news from the Klitschko camp today:



Natalia Klitschko @NKlitschko



Yesterday at Maidan I talked with a man. During we were talking he was shot in his head. What kind of world is this? #RIP #euromaidan #kyiv

about 5 hours ago

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Re: Vitali Klitschko's wife sees man shot in front of her


Pics, or it didn't happen. :biggrin1:



Seriously. While this might be true, and would really be something, I no longer believe ANYTHING related to K2 unless the facts are irrefutable. So much BS from those guys in the last few years, it's ridiculous.


- Just like Vitali "calming down" the crowd, in that previous, great photo-op, when the camera crew just happened to be in perfect position to capture it for the evening news.



Just like the ring doctor stopping the fight, because Charr's cut was too bloody for him to continue. You know, with 20 seconds left in the round.



Yeah, OK .........

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Re: Vitali Klitschko's wife sees man shot in front of her


Seriously. While this might be true, and would really be something, I no longer believe ANYTHING related to K2 unless the facts are irrefutable. So much BS from those guys in the last few years, it's ridiculous.


- Just like Vitali "calming down" the crowd, in that previous, great photo-op, when the camera crew just happened to be in perfect position to capture it for the evening news.


Just like the ring doctor stopping the fight, because Charr's cut was too bloody for him to continue. You know, with 20 seconds left in the round.


Yeah, OK .........


--- Working upwards, the Charr cut was really bad and came on a single left hook midway through rd 4. Fight stopped at 56 sec with Charr covered, the ref already heavily splotched, and Vitali's gloves covered in blood. Still streaming hard a few minutes after the fight.


Yeah, could have gone on, but Charr did nothing in the fight and already knocked down hard, so it reflects badly if they allow someone so overmatched to continue in such a gruesome spectacle. Vitali doesn't write the news, but he is conspicuous on the front lines and in the parliament. Maybe you don't like his politics, OK.


Go on the world news report of any major media and Ukraine is front and center with multiple articles of violent conflicts. Here's the way an American cartoonist sees things, obviously a boxing fan:


pic not showing, so I'll try an edit......still can't see, so here's the image link if interested:






http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2014/01/22/1-23-toons-1_custom-98fdf6ad4a32555c934eb4676aa9dc6b5ba3aed0-s4-c85.jpg<font color=#444444><span style=font-family: Georgia>

Edited by LondonRingRules
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Re: Vitali Klitschko's wife sees man shot in front of her


There's a strong tendency for the soft developed world to dismiss the dangers and pitfalls of 3rd world countries in turmoil, but it appears Vitali Klitschko and his wife are putting themselves on the line as masses of protesting citizens are in direct and often quite violent conflict with Ukrainian police over government actions.


This the latest news from the Klitschko camp today:



Natalia Klitschko @NKlitschko



Yesterday at Maidan I talked with a man. During we were talking he was shot in his head. What kind of world is this? #RIP #euromaidan #kyiv

about 5 hours ago

Hey, I got news for you-Ukraine is SECOND world country, still counts as such despite Soviet Union not existing anymore!

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Re: Vitali Klitschko's wife sees man shot in front of her


It wasn't a hook, it was an intentional thumbing. - Which Vittles had been doing the entire fight.


--- Never once heard a single opponent claim thumbs by Vitali, and at any rate, a thumb usually nets blurred vision with the eye swelling shut, not cut.


Here are the last few seconds of the fight right after he was cut, a rip right off the corner of the right eye that is near unfixable:




Doc in background with bloody rag:




Eye close up:



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Re: Vitali Klitschko's wife sees man shot in front of her


Vitali thumbing Char:





This is the exact punch that caused the cut. Vitali threw every single left the same way, the entire fight: Sideways, with the thumb making contact with Charr's face.


Don't EVEN try to tell me that wasn't intentional.

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Re: Vitali Klitschko's wife sees man shot in front of her


Vitali thumbing Char:





This is the exact punch that caused the cut. Vitali threw every single left the same way, the entire fight: Sideways, with the thumb making contact with Charr's face.


Don't EVEN try to tell me that wasn't intentional.


--- The problem with thumbed gloves is both intentional and unintentional thumbs with every punch each fighter throws.


I can't get that tube link you provided to work, but however poor Charr's offense and defense was, he was always plowing forward hard making the fight a jumpy affair off balanced affair where punches often flow in bunches from odd angles. We could isolate stills from every gloved fight with an eye injury similar to the pic you provided.


Same deal with butts, hence intentional and unintentional rulings not always accurate as we can see in replays, and even those clearly seen on video are still argued about. Modern gloves have thumbs smaller in scale and sewn in compared to the plums sticking out of oldtimers like Holmes who was a thumber of notorious reputation that everyone knew about.


The only "foul" I heard used against the Ks is holding, something most every fighter does to varying degrees. Since I don't recall Charr claiming he was thumbed, I would assume that he doesn't think so since he was so vocal, but then I may have missed his specific comment. Like I say, the tear at the eye corner as well as what looks like a deep slash on top of the eyelid, I have to think those from the left hook Vitali has knocked out fighters with.


Fighters could all go to thumbless gloves as I have seen plenty in fights to rectify thumb complaints, but horrific eye injuries are still gonna be there because of the ripping power of a punch on weak tissue. I'm thinking of all the lightning cuffs Calzaghe and Roy Jones threw in their fight. One knocked Joe down because he ducked into Roy's forearm, yet by the end of the fight Jones was bleeding like a stuck pig, but he never claimed thumbs did it.


Yeah, could have been a thumb, but no way to prove intent nor any precedent in Vitali fights. He prefers a steady beatdown type TKO over any other result.

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