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Q & A with Librado Andrade


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Q & A with Librado Andrade


On Saturday Librado Andrade 28-2(21) faces Lucian Bute for the IBF Super Middleweight title in a rematch of there controversial fight from late last year. It will be Andrade 31, third title attempt having come up short previously against Mikkel Kessler & Bute. Though Andrade was a mile behind on points he came on very strong in the championship rounds and almost bludgeoned Bute into submission in the final round when he had Bute out on his feet. This Saturday on HBO Andrade will get the chance to set the record straight. Here’s what he had to say.



Hello Librado, welcome to 15 rounds. com


Hi and Thank you.


Anson Wainwright - Soon you’ll be heading back to Canada for the rematch with Lucian Bute. How do you see this fight?


Librado Andrade - Going in to this fight the way i see it is about the same way it was last year. I know i can get to him sooner, i was very patient in that fight and it cost me very much.


Anson Wainwright - How have you prepared for it? Where have you trained and who have you sparred with?


Librado Andrade - I’ve been training with Howard Grant for the last two years, and it has worked out fine for me, i train here in Montreal, Canada. Regarding the sparring all i have to say is it has been to what we need to do. My conditioning has to be in the best form possible, to stand and fire back at Bute for 12 rounds if necessary. But this time i think Bute is going to be going around the ring trying to stay away from me, so i training to go chase him in the ring.


Anson Wainwright - Last October when you fought the first time you were behind on the cards but came on strong down the stretch. Looking back how do you see the end of the fight now?


Librado Andrade - The same way, i don’t think Bute wants to fight me. He only wants to outscore me i knew that in the first fight. I don’t care if i only won one round i only care about stopping him and i did.


Anson Wainwright - Though your from California this will be your third fight on the trot in Canada. How have the fans there taken to you?


Librado Andrade - They been very nice to me and they appreciate the way i fight. I really like the Canadian fans they are fair. I just want to fight, they know that, and they respect it.


Anson Wainwright - This will be your third attempt at a world title, do you see it as possibly a last chance for you and so making you even more dangerous?


Librado Andrade - I see it as another chance for what i dream of to became a world champion. I don’t see it as my last, i just see it as a brand new chance. If Bute makes a mistake for one minute or one second he’s going to pay for it.


Anson Wainwright - The Super 6 has just started over on Showtime. What do you make of the concept and what did you make of the first two fights?


Librado Andrade - I really haven’t think about it, i just know know i would love to fight Carl Froch and would hate to fight Andre Dirrell.


Anson Wainwright - Would it be possible that if you beat Bute on HBO that you could go over and fight in Showtime’s flagship event or will you be contracted to HBO?


Librado Andrade - I have no idea and don’t really think about it. I really need to beat Bute for me, not for anything else or tv just for me. Then everything else would be there, as options for me.


Anson Wainwright - Who do you think will win the Super 6?


Librado Andrade - Kessler


Anson Wainwright - Growing up in Mexico and moving to L.A before getting involved in Boxing. Can you tell us about about the path you took from your younger days that took you into Boxing?


Librado Andrade - Nothing in Mexico happened for of me in Boxing. When i moved to California in La Habra, there was a Boxing club right in front of the house. So in the afternoon we go there to play and learn to box, nothing serious, just to play, that was when i was 10 years old. After i got married i needed money for rent and i was training to help Julio Gonzales to get ready for a fight. My coach asked me if wanted to fight for $400 i was in shape anyway so why not take it. I did, after that i took it seriously and learned alot more. That was when i was 20 years old, after that i’m still learning, i hope i can do this for a lot longer.


Anson Wainwright - Finally do you have a message for your fans and Lucian Bute before the fight on 28 November?


Librado Andrade - Thank you for believing in me just like i did. I never thought boxing would take me for a such a wonderful trip and adventure. I would never be able to thank the people involved in my life for me to get here. But maybe one day when i become a world champion they’ll feel the joy with me and say with me we’ve done it as one.


Thanks for your time Librado and good luck in the rematch with Bute.


Thank you


Anson Wainwright


www.15 rounds.com

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