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Terence Crawford vs David Avansyan Results + Spence Update!!!


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Also talk that Bud's off to 154. Doesn't necessarily rule out a Spence fight but of course it wouldn't be for the welterweight title. Nor would it be for the superwelterweight title where Jermell is the man. It was striking how similar in size Crawford and Avanesyan were. A reminder how much bigger Spence is. I also wonder how these business dealings may be wearing on Crawford. Spence can always count on fighting in spotlight under PBC. Crawford in relative anonymity for this event. Had to be a shock to his system. What does the future hold so long as he flies solo promotionally? We're also reaching the point where Bud's not getting any younger. Avanesyan was competitive and caught Crawford a few times until one punch ended it. Unlikely that happens against Spence, Jermell, Fundora if Crawford has a truly elite opponent in his future.

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