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Photos/videos from today's Froch vs Ward press conference


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I don't normally let everyone look at my facebook pics but I've adjusted the settings so everyone can have a look at them for a limited time. The conference was held in Brentwood in Essex.


Go here to see them: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150272608457761.327631.623997760


I'll be posting links to my videos for it once they are up on youtube. I taped the whole press conference as well as got footage of Brook, Gavin and Barker training in a ring that was held outside in the open.


Froch was very nice in person as was Darren Barker. Ward promised to sign my press kit but then walked off probably having forgotten. However, he did come back and I managed to get his, as well as Froch, Gavin Rees, Barker's, Steve Bunce and Kell Brook's. Bunce was cool and said that I enjoyed reading his book, 'The Fixer.'


In case anybody doesn't know, tickets for Froch v Ward go on sale this Friday.

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I've had people say elsewhere that they could not access the photos so I am uploading them to photobucket right now. As for the surprise signing...wait until you see the video footage. mlol/


Groves wasn't there, btw.

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Loved the videos, Lee.


Froch tried to turn up the temperature abit but I think Ward had great answers regarding who they fought, punching power and dirty tactics.


Is Gavin Rees the big signing?


When the temperature got going i thought kool, was expecting it to get even better and it got haulted. mlol/

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If nobody can suss out who the surprise signing was from the videos then neither can I, and I was there! I never heard it being mentioned, lol!!


I haven't had the chance to go through the videos yet but am now. Apparently, that was Barry Hearns's place. That back garden and mansion. I wondered whose it was and my dad said it was probably just some place that is rented out but he did some digging and claimed that it was his. I'm not 100% on that, though.


Article coming shortly on the press conference.

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In the training videos theres a fighter with Taylor on his shorts?


Theres nothing on Matchrooms Boxing website.


Skav help us out?


Ryan Taylor has signed for them, top amatuer, asked me to make him a vid, sparred with Khan and boxed internationally for England.

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