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My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


Your Videos are fine as they are Boz mate.


Just clarifying that firstly it was NOT a criticism and secondly, I thought it may make the video's more interesting and also sometimes help the viewer know who he is talking about, as not everyone knows every boxer, including me, and I have followed it all my life. I was merely trying to offer a suggestion.

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


Just clarifying that firstly it was NOT a criticism and secondly, I thought it may make the video's more interesting and also sometimes help the viewer know who he is talking about, as not everyone knows every boxer, including me, and I have followed it all my life. I was merely trying to offer a suggestion.

No need to get jumpy my friend, hehe. He was just expressing his opinion. ;-) I didn't take your comment as a criticism. It was a good suggestion, but sometimes it may be hard to find the fight clips for all fighters I'm talking about. I will do what I can.

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


No need to get jumpy my friend, hehe. He was just expressing his opinion. ;-) I didn't take your comment as a criticism. It was a good suggestion, but sometimes it may be hard to find the fight clips for all fighters I'm talking about. I will do what I can.


He may well have been doing just as you say Boz, but he may also have thought I was being critical, so all I was doing was making it more clear. It seems VERY easy to fall into arguments on here or be seen to be arguing when it is just sarcasm or banter, and I have enough hassle with the ones that have a problem with me, without having others join in over a misunderstanding. Also some mods say certain guys (including mods) like to "bait" for arguments,as though it is the norm, but if I debate anything, it seems I am arguing too strongly, so as I said, I was just making it CRYSTAL clear, pal.

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


He may well have been doing just as you say Boz, but he may also have thought I was being critical, so all I was doing was making it more clear. It seems VERY easy to fall into arguments on here or be seen to be arguing when it is just sarcasm or banter, and I have enough hassle with the ones that have a problem with me, without having others join in over a misunderstanding. Also some mods say certain guys (including mods) like to "bait" for arguments,as though it is the norm, but if I debate anything, it seems I am arguing too strongly, so as I said, I was just making it CRYSTAL clear, pal.

Ok...just take it easy. No need to take every little misunderstanding so seriously. Ok? :)

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


Ok...just take it easy. No need to take every little misunderstanding so seriously. Ok? :)


Omg a massive explanation and still you say take it easy! I WAS taking it easy, I was making sure I was fully understood....NOTHING ELSE. How was I taking it seriously?

Edited by chaconfan
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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


Sound effects 2 episodes running-the farting chair and now your Mum :lol:

I think that Terry Flanagan will beat dirty Derry on points and the Jurgen Braehmer will also go to a 'home decision'

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


Sound effects 2 episodes running-the farting chair and now your Mum :lol:

I think that Terry Flanagan will beat dirty Derry on points and the Jurgen Braehmer will also go to a 'home decision'

:lmao: Exactly! The farting chair has become my trademark. :laugh:

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