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My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


really? i just thought the chap was a bit tuckered from swinging with the ladies till the wee hours.


hey boz just buy a selfie stick mate, the lighting from your cell phone will illuminate your skin tone perfectly and is rather inexpensive to boot

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


really? i just thought the chap was a bit tuckered from swinging with the ladies till the wee hours.


hey boz just buy a selfie stick mate, the lighting from your cell phone will illuminate your skin tone perfectly and is rather inexpensive to boot


:haha: Thanks for the tip.

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


You told us to enjoy it, but you make it seem really uninteresting pal, lol sorry


How do I do that? It's not supposed to be a FUN video, it's more my view of the fights and, without the intent of sounding bigheaded, to help some of you choose and decide who to pick. Those who need it.

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


How do I do that? It's not supposed to be a FUN video, it's more my view of the fights and, without the intent of sounding bigheaded, to help some of you choose and decide who to pick. Those who need it.


I don't think it's personal Boz. I get what he means I think it's the language barrier as English isn't your native tongue. I think he means the tone of your voice but don't let the negative put you off, use it as positive feedback :-)


Keep up the videos Boz :-)

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


You told us to enjoy it, but you make it seem really uninteresting pal, lol sorry


Well I for one, thinks Boz puts a lot of effort into his videos and doesn't deserve to be "lol"-ed or ridiculed. Its an interesting addition to the forum from a respected long-standing forum member.


Perhaps you would care to add your own video chaconfan? In a different language to your native one?

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


I don't think it's personal Boz. I get what he means I think it's the language barrier as English isn't your native tongue. I think he means the tone of your voice but don't let the negative put you off, use it as positive feedback :-)


Keep up the videos Boz :-)


To imitate Pesci in Goodfellas, "woa, he's a big boy, he knows what he said!" :haha: I understand if there was problems understanding everything I say, thats no big deal. But he made it sound like I was being boring. Not nice...

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