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My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


To be honest, I thought your delivery made it very difficult to concentrate on the content - I don't know if you were reading off the screen or what, but I kept wondering why you kept looking away from the camera and clicking, and it all felt very slow and stilted. I wondered if that were down to the fact English is your second/third language, but you write very fluently and I looked at your Game of Thrones video and your delivery is way better in that piece, so it flows a lot better.


You've got the content down, but you need to work on being more natural, make it a bit more conversational rather than quite so rigid.


Nice Game of Thrones video though ;-)

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


First of all, thank you Sel mate and yes, I do intend to do this weekly. ;-) And to you Gav, well I did kinda mess up with that but I had already done a video on it before, but it turned out to be too long for youtube so I had to do another one and by then I had forgotten some of the facts that I needed for the video, thats why I was clicking. Won't happen again, believe me. And thanks for that comment on GOT. So, that answers your question too Bud. :-)

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


It's a good start, Boz.


- but I agree that your pacing and energy need a lot of work. The points you make are spot-on, but it's really tough to concentrate on what you're saying. (I do like that "Russian Mobster" vibe you give off, though !)


Also, since you seem to be really into doing this (and why not?) I suggest looking into some inexpensive video lighting (maybe two LED-based softboxes with large diffusion panels) and a nice background that has a fairly neutral mid-tone. Maybe a mottled grey. - You want the camera's aperture to key on your face.


You might even consider coming up with a "brand" name, and then having a nice logo-sign made, and hang that behind you, or sit behind a desk and have the logo on the desk-front.


If you look professional, people will naturally give more weight to what you have to say. - Maybe even wear a jacket.



For more ideas, watch Dwyer's youtube videos, then avoid doing everything that he does. :laugh:

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Re: My analysis of this weekend's fights (video)


It's a good start, Boz.


- but I agree that your pacing and energy need a lot of work. The points you make are spot-on, but it's really tough to concentrate on what you're saying. (I do like that "Russian Mobster" vibe you give off, though !)


Also, since you seem to be really into doing this (and why not?) I suggest looking into some inexpensive video lighting (maybe two LED-based softboxes with large diffusion panels) and a nice background that has a fairly neutral mid-tone. Maybe a mottled grey. - You want the camera's aperture to key on your face.


You might even consider coming up with a "brand" name, and then having a nice logo-sign made, and hang that behind you, or sit behind a desk and have the logo on the desk-front.


If you look professional, people will naturally give more weight to what you have to say. - Maybe even wear a jacket.



For more ideas, watch Dwyer's youtube videos, then avoid doing everything that he does. :laugh:


Er...I don't think so. :mlol: It all sounds fancy but a bit expensive too. Look, whats the difference how I LOOK, the point is in what I SAY. :ranger: A logo? Are you crazy? I'm no logo-designer and sure ain't PAYING anyone to do it! Just leave it be. For now anyway.

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