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20-0 (15) Selcuk Aydin v 18-0 (17) Dzmitry Lubachkin

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Sometimes guys who have been knocking over club fighters can surprise you....ala Breidis Prescott.

There's clearly a gulf in class, but it only takes one major win to make a career.

I'm with you in that I doubt he has much of a chance, but anyone who knocks out 17 of 18 opponents, regardless of how bad they were (Sounds like they plucked half these guys out of the crowd ffs) is ALWAYS going to stand a puncher's chance.

Most big punchers are brimming with confidence, which can either work for them or against them.

Either way, Aydin was beaten by Dan imo, and it's no great shakes of a fight in the scale of things.

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