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Desperate Al Haymon is In Crisis Mode Now


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Published by Scoop Malinowski on December 29th, 2010


All Haymon’s rise to power in boxing could be over. The man many people predicted could become a major powerbroker in the sport – on par with Don King and Bob Arum – is now on the verge of crashing out.


Haymon suffered major setbacks this year. First there was Chris Arreola losing to Tomasz Adamek and then Jermain Taylor being forced to retire after another KO loss to Arthur Abraham. Then Daniel Jacobs, Haymon’s supposed future star, was knocked out with one punch in a world title fight by the unknown Dimitri Pirog. Another devastating blow was suffered when Paull Williams was destroyed with one hit from Sergio Martinez.


There is no question, Haymon’s previously impressive roster of talent was badly damaged in 2010.


But it got even worse for Haymon. His #1 meal ticket and stepping stone to future control – Floyd Mayweather – has plummeted from a star boxer into a coward fraud serial criminal. Mayweather has spent most of the year ducking and dodging Manny Pacquiao and getting himself tanlged up into embarrassingly pathetic personal problems and criminal situations.


Haymon had hoped to use Mayweather as his stepping stone to bigger and better things in boxing, like how Bob Arum and Don King had their careers basically launched by their involvement with Muhammad Ali.


Now with Mayweather virtually a dead duck, Haymon is left with Andre Berto, Williams, Jacobs, Antonio Tarver and Kendall Holt.


An insider who told me Haymon “is very, very careful about who he selects” as opponents for his fighters, has watched as his handpicking modus operandi has completely failed.


With Berto as his last viable asset, do you think Haymon is going to risk it all by matching Berto tough for his next fight? Fat chance, as the protected and manufactured Berto is known to have a very questionable chin and two left feet.


The interesting question will be how HBO will now handle Haymon, who has lost almost all leverage. The network has clearly given Haymon preferential treatment in the recent years, vastly overpaying for Haymon handpicked fights like Berto vs. Freddy Hernandez and various other desultory mismatches involving Mayweather, Williams, Arreola and Taylor. But now there is no reason to let Haymon to continue to have his way.


HBO has all the power and is in position to force Haymon to match Berto tough. HBO is in position to force Haymon and Mayweather to agree to box Pacquiao next. Haymon and Mayweather have no leverage, no other options. Showtime isn’t going to invest in a Mayweather handpicked “fight.” Nor will Jerry Jones or the people at Yankee Stadium or Giants Stadium.


As you see, it’s been a very, very difficult year for Al Haymon. And if Mayweather continues his downward spiral and Andre Berto has to fight Kermit Cintron or Selcuk Aydin next, it might get a whole lot worse for Al Haymon before it gets better.



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Pretty much everything in the article relating to Mayweather is utter bullshit. He has been a serial criminal (misdemeanour if not felon) for years but how on earth can he be described as being on a downward spiral. People may like to rewrite history but a lot had Mosley as a credible test for Floyd. To use a term such as "coward, fraud, serial criminal" is gutter journalism.
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haymon has a had a bad year, but boxing isnt the only form of entertainment hes involved in. also "coward fraud serial criminal" is a bit strong lol


Yeah it is. I agree name calling and verbal insults only make one seem child-like and if you are going to write a good article or debate do so in a tactful manner.

I have been guilty of it myself but will do well to conduct myself in an appropriate manner going forward.

After reading the intense verbal battles in regards to Floyd, I only just recently recognized that, although I gave him credit for his skill, much of my impression, feelings and sentiment of him was dominated by what I read and saw via media of him outside the ring. His personal life.

I am a boxing fan and one would think that we should just appreciate what goes on inside the ring not outside, as his life outside the ring should have no bearing on the matter.

However, I am inclined to think that character outside the ring has a direct correlation to character inside the ring.

I heard that with great power comes great responsibility.

You come in to the public view, especially in a way that cause you to be revered as such a sports star, then, despite you not wanting to be a role model, its a position that has been entrusted by way of great attributes.

So for me, despite his super-human talent in the ring, I am not able to get past the the person he really is. Which for me tarnishes his reputation inside the ring despite his great talent and what he has brought to the sport.

I wish Floyd would set a good example for his kids along with all the young adults and adults who glorify him due in large part to his ability in the ring.

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haymon has a had a bad year, but boxing isnt the only form of entertainment hes involved in. also "coward fraud serial criminal" is a bit strong lol


Yeah it is. I agree name calling and verbal insults only make one seem child-like and if you are going to write a good article or debate do so in a tactful manner.

I have been guilty of it myself but will do well to conduct myself in an appropriate manner going forward.


So if you realized this much, why is it that you can only chose such a badly "languaged" article for propagation here? Are there no better written, same-message articles you could have chosen to propagate?


To keep the board decent and avoid starting off indecent or unnecessary controversies, I honestly think one has to continue to employ a lot of discretion in choosing what material to use in/to start a thread, or indeed whether a thread is absolutely necessary in the first place.


Just my 2 cents.



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haymon has a had a bad year, but boxing isnt the only form of entertainment hes involved in. also "coward fraud serial criminal" is a bit strong lol


Yeah it is. I agree name calling and verbal insults only make one seem child-like and if you are going to write a good article or debate do so in a tactful manner.

I have been guilty of it myself but will do well to conduct myself in an appropriate manner going forward.


So if you realized this much, why is it that you can only chose such a badly "languaged" article for propagation here? Are there no better written, same-message articles you could have chosen to propagate?


To keep the board decent and avoid starting off indecent or unnecessary controversies, I honestly think one has to continue to employ a lot of discretion in choosing what material to use in/to start a thread, or indeed whether a thread is absolutely necessary in the first place.


Just my 2 cents.




No propagation. Only one comment that seemed to touch a soft spot.

The main body of the article was about Al Haymon.

The writer of the article is not so much a fan of Floyd.

Really not a big deal. People say things all time, no need to take the bait and go twattling on about it in a ravenous manner.

I agree with you duwdu.

I apologize for any lack of respect that may have been perceived.

It is never my intentions to be disrespectful to anyone much less on this forum, regardless who you are.

Just an article about Haymon.

If an article I post contains material that might upset you or anyone else, it is not intended as an attack on you or their character.

The world over is provided with the same article. Its up to us as individuals to be discreet in our reply and actions. How we react.

I would love to see the forum perpetuate adult behavior , talk, discuss and share ideas and opinions in a professional manner.

I can't promise you that I will catch everything, but you must know and understand that my intentions are not devious.

I love being in a place that all feel safe in there own right to debate maturely.

The way I am is, if I do not like something then I just might not comment on it.

If I do comment on it then I will make sure to not feel attacked or take anything personal and then to not attack anyone.

I have said many things before and many people laughed at the comment or considered me not to have much insight but that's why I'm here to learn and have fun and post articles about boxing that are boxing related.

Everything in boxing is baised. Shall I start with the Alphabet organizations...?

I feel its my job along with everyone else's to post info about boxing as is our responsibility to respond in mature manner.

A while back I made a comment and you replied back in a manner that was somewhat inappropriate. Accuseing me of anarchy and things of the like. ??? I replied! and was admonished by a admin for how I commented. No foul language was used and no attack directed back towards you. I only used the phrase Mr. Mayweather fan.

I didn't get upset only agreed the admin as he was right that my comment could be perceived as an insult and deleted the reply to your response before you had a chance to view it.


duwdu, lets be nice to one another despite our differences and not take offense to what boxing journalist write or forum memebers post.

I promise I won't.




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Some of the points made in the article are valid but it's definitely a biased piece of journalism. The fella clearly cannot hide his disdain for Mayweather.


The writer talks about Haymon's boys gettin' the benefit of some handpicked opposition and that's fair enough, but show me a big name on HBO who doesn't get that treatment!? Also, I think it's unfair to include Paul Williams in that category. Two fights against Sergio Martinez, one against Winky Wright (two of the most avoided fighters in world boxing in recent years), Kelly Pavlik (even though that one fell through). I don't think you can accuse him of being fed soft touches.

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