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Jean Pascal v Bernard Hopkins , round by round (spoilers)


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I had Hopkins winning every round from the fourth right until the very end.He completely schooled Pascal over the second half of the fight.Twelth was a little closer,they both went for it,but I had Hopkins winning it.



9-2-1 on rounds,116-111 to Hopkins on my scorecard

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Round 1: Pascal is wearing tan trunks, Hopkins, black and silver. Pascal circles, Hopkins, pursues from the center of the ring. Both pawing with punches. Nothing significant over the first minute. Big right hand over Pascal's left. Hopkins chases and lands a body shot with his right. Hopkins jabs and Pascal backs up. Not a good start for the home town boy. Hopkins gets caught with a counter left, but lands a right. Crowd is chanting Pascal!.Left to body by Hopkins, right hand by Pascal. Hopkins GOES DOWN from a right to the head with seven seconds left, more or less, behind the head. He's into the ropes and rises, unhurt, but the knockdown was legit with seven seconds left. Pascal's round, 10-8.



Round 2: Hopkins still centered and Pascal circling. Hopkins backing up. Hopkins moving forward. Pascal's jumping in with ocunters may be influencing the judges. Jab to the body by Pascal. They clinch. Not much action. They trade right hands. Pascal rushes in and lands a grazing right. Hopkins misses with a right. Right hand off the had by Hopkins. Big leaping left hook by Pascal is partially blocked by Hopkins just prior to the bell. Pascal's round, 10-9; Pascal, 20-17.



Round 3: Running left hand by Pascal is the first significant punch of the round. A leaping left hook grazes Hopkins' face. Hopkins lands a three-punch combination. Hopkins circling. Counter-left by Hopkins, also a left lands for Pascal. Another lull. Hopkins DROPPED AGAIN, LEGITIMATELY, FROM A LEFT HOOK. He rises and beats the count of referee Mike Griffin. Hopkins lasts the round and throws several late punches after the bell. Pascal's round, 10-8; Pascal, 30-25.



Round 4: Hopkins is recovered and boxing again. Hopkins drives home a nice left hook. Pascal dances away, but Hopkins lands another body shot. There's a clash of heads during a clinch. Hopkins is busier behind his jab. Hopkins takes a grazing left. Hopkins lands two left hooks to the body. Right hand lands for Pascal. Hopkins lands a right left and then a left. Hopkins GOES DOWN AGAIN from a cuffing right behind the head, but Griffin rules that it is a slip. Hopkins' round, 10-9; Pascal 39-35.



Round 5: Hopkins boxing again. Surprisingly patient. Hopkins drives home two left hooks that back up Pascal. Three-punch combination to the body by Hopkins, right, left, right. Pascal lands two left hooks. The crowd reacts. Hopkins lands two up-jabs. Hopkins lands a left to the body and a right to the head. The old man is poised. A right-left by Hopkins splits Pascal's guard, but Hopkins takes a left hook to the jaw. Hopkins drives home another left to the body. Hopkins drives a right to the body. They exchange in the corner at the bell, with Pascal having the edge. Hopkins' round, 10-9; Pascal, 48-45.



Round 6: The pace favors Hopkins, who is obviously trying to take away Pascal's legs with his body attack. Pascal is circling. Hopkins boxing. Hopkins lands a nice right that chases Pascal. Hopkins lands two jabs. During a clinch, Hopkins pounds two rights to the body. Nice lef hook by Hopkins. Nice one-two to the body on the ropes by Hopkins. Pascal being passive. Hopkins lands a right to the body but takes a left to the head. Hopkins chases Pascal to the ropes and lands three right uppercuts. Hopkins' round, 10-9; Pascal, 57-55.



Round 7: Pascal's right eye is swollen beneath. Hopkins moves forward behind the jab and lands a left hook to the body. Nice punch. Pascal continues to give ground. Hopkins digs a monster left to the body. Another left by Hopkins to the body. Straight right and a left by Hopkins. Overhand right by Hopkins behind the jab. Nice jab and a left to the body by Hopkins. Nice left hook by Hopkins to the body. Hard right hand to the jaw by Hopkins over a lazy left by Pascal. This is boxing school for the Canadian. Nice left to the body and the head by Hopkins. Another left to the head by Hopkins. They trade lefts. Hopkins' round, 10-9; Pascal, 66-65.



Round 8: At ringside, Glen Johnson says that Hopkins is taking over during an interview with Showtime's Jim Gray. Hopkins continues to box. Hopkins lands a nice right. Hopkins clowns by sticking out his chin and purses his lips, this, after landing a nice left hook. Hopkins lands a left to the body again. Pascal lands a right and a left. Pascal chases and lands a left. Hopkins lands a left, right, left, right and they clinch. Pascal lands a clubbing right during a clinch. Hopkins round, 10-9; Even 75-75.



Round 9: Hopkins starts with a clean right to the head and then lands another to the head. Hopkins' jab backs up Pascal, and then, Hopkins lands two lefts to the body. Right hand and a left tag Pascal cleanly to the head. Hopkins has no doubt earned the respect of Pascal, who is giving him too much space to work. Hopkins BIG RIGHT HAND dazes Pascal. Hopkins digs off of the ropes with a nice left uppercut. Pascal lands a right uppercut. Hopkins lands a jab to the head and another to the body. Pascal lands a left hook. During a clinch, they pound to the body. Hopkins' round, 10-9; Hopkins, 86-85.



Round 10: Hopkins is centered and jabbing. Hopkins lands a left hook counter. Nice body shot by Hopkins and Pascal takes a left uppercut well. Nice short right hand by Hopkins inside. Nice jab and they trade rights. Hopkins lands two more short right hands and a jab. Nice left hook from Pascal. Hopkins takes a left hook after landing one to the body, then sticks out his tongue to say he's unhurt. Pascal lands a right, but so does Hopkins. Nice jab by Hopkins. Nice jab by Pascal. Hopkins round, 10-9; Hopkins, 96-94.



Round 11: Early clinch, they trade evenly to the body. Hopkins blasts a left to the body during a clinch. Hopkins lands a right and a left. They trade, Hopkins going to the body. Hard right by Hopkins. Nice jab by Hopkins. Nice short right by Hopkins. Left hook shakes Pascal. Left to the body by Hopkins. Pascal backing off. They clinch. Grazing right by Hopkins, left hook by Pascal. Hopkins chasing, Pascal giving ground. Jab by Hopkins. PASCAL DOWN, BUT RULED A SLIP. Hopkins lands a left to the body, Pascal lands two uppercuts just before the bell. Hopkins round, 10-9; Hopkins 106-103.


Round 12: Hopkins chasing and being busier during the clinch. Hopkins lands a right and pounds another to the body. Hopkins jabs his way in. Pascal lands an uppercut. Left hook by Hopkins. They clinch. Big left hook by Hopkins, who continues to be busier to the body. Right hand by Hopkins, Pascal lands one also. They clinch. Hopkins chases and lands a left. Hopkins lands a right but gets countered with one also. Final 30 seconds. Hopkins lands to the body and a right to the head. Hopkins flicks and lands the jab. Hopkins lands a left and another and Pascal lands two of his own. Crowd is cheering. Hopkins wins the final exchange. Hopkins round, 10-9; Hopkins, 116-112.


FanHouse has it for Hopkins, 116-112.



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Round 1:

Round starts. Pascal is already in a defensive mode. He’s backing up, which is not his normal stance. They are meeting in the middle of the ring. Pascal is moving left and right.


Pascal leaps with a left hand and Hopkins counter punches. Pascal again backing up. He is being very respectful, but he just landed a very good right-hand with thirty seconds left.


Oh! Hopkins down! Hopkins down! Looked more like a slip, but counted as a knock down.


Pascal wins round 10-9, as Hopkins won the rest of the round.


Round 2! They meet in the middle of the ring for Round 2. Pascal still backs up.


Fight is taking different path as Pascal makes Hopkins come to him. The 2nd Round is very, very quiet. Pascal is starting to use his normal style by darting in. Hopkins comes forward.


Left hook landed at end of the round by Pascal. He wins round on that last punch. Pascal, 10-9.


Round 3! Pascal comes forward and gets caught with a left. He is still showing too much respect for Hopkins, but finally comes forward and lands a left hook. Hopkins lands a left hook to the body and then a left hook to the head.


Pascal is now stalking Hopkins. Hopkins comes foward and delivers a left inside. One minute left.


Hopkins down again! He is suprised by Pascal’s power and so am I. However, this can’t keep going on. Now it looks like a fight and Hopkins has Pascal on the ropes, who turns his head as round ends.


Pascal, 10-8


Round 4! Again they are in the middle of the ring. Hopkins hits Pascal to the body with a right hand. Pascal is being a little smart with his movement. Pascal misses with a left and Hopkins lands one to the body. Another shot to the body.


Hopkins lands a jab. Hopkins comes forward and lands one to the head and then to the body. Right hand from Pascal. Right/left from Hopkins. Hopkins goes down, but as a push.


End of Round. Hopkins, 10-9.


Round 5! Hopkins throwing some upper cuts and misses, but more aggressive. Hopkins lands a jab. Hopkins comes forward and lands what a left and right to the body.


Hopkins hits to the body again. Pascal lands a right and then with a left upper-cut. Hopkins lands with a left jab. Hopkins moving forward jabbing. Pascal misses a leaping left hook. Hopkins hits to the body again.


Hopkins lands right/left. Pascal comes forward and lands left. Hopkins comes forward and lands, while Pascal covers up.


10 seconds…Hopkins lands left/right. Pascal lands left and Hopkins lands three punches to end the round. Hopkins, 10-9.


Round 6! Hopkins wonders why Pascal keeps backing up. This is the way to fight Hopkins. Hopkins still moving forward. Pascal seems not to want to fight. Is he falling into a trap?


Pascal misses. Right hand landed by Hopkins as Pascal jumps in. Hopkins lands jab. Pascal still moving backwards.


Halfway through the round.


Hopkins hits Pascal with a nice left hook. Pascal moving backwards. Hopkins making Pascal run backwards.


Pascal looks sloppy. Hopkins look better. Throws left/right and body punch. Pascal finally lands one punch. Hopkins stalking Pascal. Hopkins hits Pascal with two left hands.


Bell rings. Pascal very docile. Are the French retreating…as we predicted? We shall see.


Hopkins, 10-9.


Round 7! Hopkins lands right hook. Hopkins being more aggressive. He lands a right hand and then a left jab. Pascal still retreating. Hopkins left to the body again.


Hopkins right hand to the head and to the body. Right hand/left hook to the body. Right hand again. Pascal clinches. Left hand and right hand from Hopkins again.


Left and right hand from Hopkins again and once again, Pascal clinches. Left hook from Hopkins made Pascal pay attention. Right hand hurts Pascal…he’s running.


Hopkins fires a left upper-cut and left hook. Another left hook. Pascal can’t stop clinching. Left hook, left jab. Another left hook.


Pascal decides to throw two punches that mean nothing. You can’t steal a round in the last ten seconds, when you do NOTHING the entire 2:50 prior.


God Bless America. Hopkins, 10-9.


Round 8! 2:42 in Hopkins already lands a right and left jab. Hopkins is stalking Pascal


I just saw the scores and it’s embarrassing. Pascal is running.


Hopkins lands left. Hopkins left jab and another to the body. One minute left in the round.


Pascal runs in. Hopkins misses, but Pascal misses three punches. He poses in the middle of the ring, but Hopkins moves forward and lands three punches. Left, right, left and then holds Pascal.


A nice exchange between the two fighters at the end of the round. Hopkins, 10-9.


Round 9! The first minute of the round, Hopkins controls it with two right hands and a left to the body. Hopkins lands a beautiful right hand and makes Pascal back up.


The crowd is going crazy! Hopkins has found a home for his right and left hand. Beautiful right as Hopkins lands one to the chin.


Left hook from Hopkins lands. One minute left. Pascal now moving forward. Hopkins wary.


Body to the right from Hopkins. Left jab as Pascal moves forward. Another left jab from Hopkins. Beautiful left hook, right hand from Hopkins. A left from Hopkins again.


Final seconds! Left hook from Hopkins. Pascal’s in a fight and he don’t know where he’s at. Hopkins, 10-9.


Round 10!


Hopkins setting inside, throws 2 jabs, Pascal backs up. Hopkins left to the body and a right to the head. Right-hand from Hopkins landed on the right temple. Another on left temple.


Left from Hopkins. He finds a home a keeps sending it. Right hand from Hopkins again – left jab follows. Left hook from Pascal, finally he comes alive. Hopkins lands 2 beautiful punches to Pascal and lands backwards. Right-hand again, Pascal moving backwards. Left hook and another right. Left to Pascal again. 25 seconds left in round 10, Pascal lands a punch but misses another – Hopkins moves forward lands a right/left on the button.


Ding – Ding.


Hopkins 10-9 – He’s controlled the fight the last 10 rounds – what fight are these announcers watching.


Round 11!


A lot of action in early part of the round, Hopkins looks like the younger man as he makes Pascal back up – again. Another jab from Hopkins. Right hand / left hook from Hopkins.


Hopkins hurts Pascal at 1:30 into the round. He hits him again. at 1:10 they begin to clinch in the round. Left hook from Hopkins. Hopkins winning inside changes. Hopkins is landing 2 punches to every 1 that Pascal throws. Pascal goes down at :20 they call it a slip. Hopkins landed the punch – let’s see a replay. 3 upper cuts to Pascal. Pascal is the announcers bitch – because he has ran around this entire fight. Hopkins 10 -9 again.


Last Round! Hopkins comes out firing. He is all over Pascal. Hopkins again to the body…then a right/left. At 2:30 in they are clinching in the corner.


Warning for Pascal for hitting in the back of the head. Hopkins left hook and pushing forward. Who’s older? Who’s younger? I don’t know! Six punches landed from Hopkins as he pushes Pascal back.


Right hand from Hopkins, left from Hopkins. Then again, Pascal hits in the back of the head. Hopkins right/left. Pascal lands one punch. Left hand, right/left, right! Hopkins is smiling at Pascal. Hopkins left hook to the body…throwing executioner style combinations!


Hopkins smiles and taunts Pascal in the final 20 seconds of the last round. Hopkins wins round easily. He raises his hands as he knows he’s victorious…again. He’s taught another lesson in the art of war.


Hopkins, 10-9. By the way, the announcers are talking about a razor close decision. Pascal hasn’t won a round since the 3rd. What fight were they watching?



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By Ben Thompson | December 18, 2010


Moments ago, WBC light heavyweight champion Jean Pascal barely kept his title, scoring a draw with future Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins at the Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Using his speed and movement, Pascal outhustled Hopkins early in the fight, scoring two knockdowns, but the 45-year-old finished strong. Looking like the younger of the two fighters, it was Hopkins who pressed the action from the middle rounds on while Pascal faded badly down the stretch. In the end, the judges scored the bout 114-112 (Hopkins), 113-113 and 114-114, making it a majority draw. Relive all the action in FightHype's in-depth minute-by-minute round-by-round results.



The challenger, 45-year-old Bernard Hopkins, comes out first wearing what looks like a black ski mask. He gives his trademark throat slash as a chorus of boos is rained down on him by the fans. The champion, Jean Pascal, comes out next to a sea of cheers. He looks confident.



Hopkins immediately takes the center of the ring. Pascal cautious as he circles from the outside. Left hook from Pascal, but a right hand from Hopkins lands in return. Hopkins pressing the attack and lands a body shot. Double jab from Hopkins is blocked, but it backs Pascal up. Pascal not really doing much. Hopkins comes in with a right, but he eats a counter left from Pascal. Woooo...nice left hook from Pascal catches Hopkins. Now Hopkins lands a left to the body. HARD right hand lands for Pascal. 1-2 to the body lands for Hopkins, but Pascal catches him on the back of the head and Hopkins is down. Looked like a push down, but it counts. Hopkins just smiles and complains a little to the ref. Round to Pascal.


Pascal 10 Hopkins 8



Pascal looks a little more energetic as he comes out. Hopkins trying to walk him down and cut off the ring. They trade jabs. Big left hook from Pascal misses, but the crowd reacts. Hopkins lands a right down the middle, but Pascal catches him with a left hook counter upstairs. A lot of posturing by both men this round. Short right hand lands on the inside for Hopkins. HARD leaping left hook from Pascal lands upstairs right at the bell. Not much to choose from, but round to Pascal for landing the better shots.


Pascal 20 Hopkins 17



Quick jab from Pascal snaps the head back of Hopkins. Another quick left hand from Pascal catches Hopkins. Left hook to the body lands for Hopkins. Now Pascal pressing the fight while Hopkins circles. Nice left hook lands for Hopkins. Left hook lands for Pascal and another and Hopkins is down. WOW. Hopkins smiles and gets up. He looks okay. Pascal tries to jump on him, but Hopkins avoids any damage. The bell rings, but Hopkins continues to fire punches on Pascal in the corner. Wow. Round to Pascal.


Pascal 30 Hopkins 25



HARD right to the body lands for Hopkins. Pascal lands a hard short right on the inside. Pascal misses with a sloppy left hook. Hopkins lands a nice shot to the body. Another nice left to the body lands for Hopkins. They trade jabs. Woooooo....HARD left hook upstairs lands for Hopkins. Pascal ties him up. Pascal skips a right off the head of Hopkins. Nice 1-2 to the body lands for Hopkins. Pascal catches him to the back of the head and Hopkins slips down again. No knockdown. Nice jab lands for Hopkins. Pascal lands another shot to the back of the head of Hopkins. Round to Hopkins.


Pascal 39 Hopkins 35



Quick short left hook just misses for Hopkins. Stiff jab lands for Hopkins. Right to the body lands for Hopkins. HARD left hook to the body lands for Hopkins and Pascal dances away. Pascal keeping that left hand prety low now. Left hook upstairs lands for Pascal. HARD right to the body lands for Pascal and Hopkins backs up. Double jab lands for Hopkins. Pascal literally runs across the ring and misses with a left. Close round so far. 1-2 lands for Hopkins, but Pascal answers with one of his own. BIG left hook lands for Pascal upstairs. Nice right to the body lands for Hopkins. Hopkins lands a shot down the middle, but he eats a bigger one in return from Pascal. Close round, but I give it to Hopkins.


Pascal 48 Hopkins 45



Hopkins sneaks in a left hook. Pascal dances around on the outside. Nice right hand downstairs and another upstairs lands for Hopkins. Hopkins digs some hard shots to the body on the inside. Pascal wasting so much energy dancing on the outside for no reason. Hopkins tags him with a nice left hook. HARD left hook to the body lands for Hopkins, but Pascal catches him with a nice counter left. Nice right hand from Hopkins catches Pascal against the ropes. Pascal looks like he's trying to conserve energy. Round to Hopkins.


Pascal 57 Hopkins 55



Short right hand lands for Hopkins. HARD left hook to the body lands for Hopkins. Pascal on the retreat. Hopkins pressing forward. Another left to the body lands for Hopkins. Right hand upstairs backs Pascal up. Another hard left hook to the body lands for Hopkins. Right and another left lands for Hopkins. Pascal not doing anything right now. Quick right lands for Hopkins. Pascal ties him up. Wooooooo...another HARD left hook to the body lands for Hopkins. Pascal on the retreat. Counter right upstairs lands for Hopkins. Pascal getting chopped up in there. Left hook upstairs lands for Hopkins. This is all Bernard Hopkins right now as Pascal looks fatigued in there. Round to Hopkins.


Pascal 66 Hopkins 65



HARD right hand lands for Hopkins and Pascal ties him up. Hopkins starting to land his jab pretty easily now. Hopkins eats a left, but taunts Pascal by sticking his chin out. Both men doing a lot of posturing again. Pascal lands a left hook and ties him up. Quick right lands for Pascal. Left and a quick 1-2 lands for Hopkins. Pascal lands a couple of shots to the back of the head on the inside. Close round, but I give it to Pascal.


Pascal 76 Hopkins 74



Short right over the top lands for Hopkins. Quick 1-2 lands for Hopkins again. Wooooo...HARD uppercut lands for Hopkins. Both men trade on the inside. Nice right hand down the middle and an uppercut lands for Hopkins. Short left hook lands for Hopkins. Pascal gets a warning for another shot to the back of the head. BIG right hand over the top lands for Hopkins again. Another. WOOOOO...short left hook lands for Hopkins. Pascal lands a right upstairs. Nice left hook lands for Hopkins. Pascal answers with a right. Round to Hopkins.


Pascal 85 Hopkins 84



Short left hook lands for Hopkins. Nice left to the body and a right hand upstairs lands for Hopkins. Pascal misses with a chopping right. Nice right hand down the middle lands for Hopkins. Woooo...another right hand from Hopkins lands. 1-2 lands for Hopkins. Pascal not doing much. Now he lands a left hook and immediately holds on to Hopkins. WOOOOOO...another hard right and a left hook lands for Hopkins. Pascal fading big time and just not doing anything. Now Pascal lands an overhand right, but Hopkins lands one of his own. Right and a left lands for Hopkins. Round to Hopkins.


Pascal 94 Hopkins 94



Quick right and a left lands for Hopkins. They trade on the inside. Right hand lands for Hopkins. Pascal fires back with one of his own. Both men trade shots. Quick right lands for Hopkins. Left hook lands for Hopkins. Big left upstairs and a hard body shot lands for Hopkins. Pascal looks wobbly. Right and a left lands for Hopkins, who's pressing the attack as though he wants a knockout. Both men trade on the inside again. Pascal on his toes dancing away. STIFF jab from Hopkins snaps the head back of Pascal. Pascal trips on the feet of Hopkins. No knockdown. Hard body shot lands for Hopkins. Pascal lands a couple of uppercuts. Round to Hopkins.


Pascal 103 Hopkins 104



Hopkins comes out quick and lands a couple of right hands. Hopkins jumps on Pascal and works the body against the ropes. HARD left to the body lands for Hopkins. Pascal lands a right and ties him up. Hopkins mugs and mauls his way in and works Pascal on the inside. Pascal retreats, but Hopkins jumps on him again. WOOOO....BIG left hook lands for Hopkins and he continues to work Pascal against the ropes. Another left lands for Hopkins. Pascal sneaks in a right, but he continues to retreat. Hard right lands for Hopkins. They trade on the inside and the crowd is on its feet. Hopkins lands a 1-2 and smiles. Both men trae big shots right at the bell. Hopkins raises his hands to the crowd and smiles, while Pascal walks to his corner happy to have made it the distance. He thinks he got it. I do too, but will the judges? Round to Hopkins.


Pascal 112 Hopkins 114


Official judges scorecards: 114-112 (Hopkins), 113-113 (Draw), 114-114 (Draw)



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Watchin' the fight in Montreal alone. I gave maybe 4 rounds, MAXIMUM, to Jean Pascal. Hopkins was the investigator, the attacker. Pascal explosed from time to time, but B-Hop had the control all 3 mins in rounds.


Hopkins should be the champion. Pascal doesn't deserve it.


Hopkins is the winner tonight


116-112 B-Hop

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I had it 7-5 rounds to Bhop. And a 113-113 draw due to the early KDs for Pascal.


I did give Bhop at least 1 or 2 close rounds. I felt Pascal won the early rounds very clearly. Whereas Bhop won 1 or 2 very closely. So i had it a draw in the end.


I'm surprised no judge had it for Pascal considering one had it for Bhop.


A rematch would be fair. I was impressed with how Bhop came back from losing the first 3 or 4 rounds AND getting knocked down twice to win the majority of the latter rounds. It was one of his best performances for sure.

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A "robbery" in boxing terms is when a boxer CLEARLY wins a bout and at the end of the fight the commentators say something like this: "Well, the judges weren't watching the same fight as us". Or in the case of Lennox Lewis vs Evander Holyfield I: "Lennox Lewis won the title and he has been robbed. He won the fight and he didn't get the World titles".


This wasn't a robbery in the slightest. I scored round 4 to Bhop. But, it seems most people scored it to Pascal (along with the first 3 rounds).


This means after 4 rounds of action the scorecards read: 40-34 to Pascal.


Hopkins was already behind by 6 points with only 8 rounds remaining. I scored 7 of the last 9 rounds to Bhop.


I gave him round 4 which many people didn't. And i gave him at least one other round that was VERY close.


If you trail 6 points away from home after 4 rounds of course it's going to be near impossible to claw back the win.

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