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Boxer V's MMA Fighter


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For anyone who has not been able to tear themselves away from the sweet scince of Boxing to view an MMA fight--can I recommend last weeks Diaz-Noons fight, 5 stand up 5 minute rounds of fast V's very fast hands, from K.J Noons who was an up and coming boxer professional record 11--2----6 KO's

Amateur 2004 Olympic trials Semifinalist


“People ask me how can I do both, but I’ve always done both. I love both sports,” explained Noons. “I started in boxing as a kid at 8 years old, and I never stopped boxing. I’ve just gotten more recognition doing MMA.”


Against another multi talented fighter N.Diaz--fast hands and a very fast mouth--the trash talk starts with the first bell.

but whatever sport you love-- you will enjoy this fight, Broken hands and broken Jaw--its got the lot....I have re-done it so you can just take the single fight...... please try

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