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The Promoters and the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority Present: 'The Big Fight 2'

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CHICAGO, IL- Tickets for "THE BIG FIGHT 2," at U.S. Cellular Field, home of the Chicago White Sox, presented by "The Promoters" and "The Illinois Sports Facilities Authority," (ISFA) will go on sale Wednesday, June 12, 2013. This historic event marks the return of boxing to the South Side of Chicago after more than 50 years.



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Re: The Promoters and the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority Present: 'The Big Figh


Fonfara vs Campilo should be a fun one. As many boxing fans know, Chicago has the second-largest-Polish-population of any city in the world, and they're rabid boxing fans. But I don't know about hosting it at Cellular Field, that's awfully optimistic. Happy to see Mike Mollo getting a second crack at Szpilka, which was easily Chicago's Fight of the Year last year (as well as it's robbery of the year too).

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