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Setanta and Buncey maybe back on Setanta Irish


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Tommy Egan Promotions’ bid to bring Irish domestic boxing to the next level has taken a significant leap forward as the Irish promoter has entered talks with Setanta Sports Ireland to broadcast a City West hosted fight night. Legendary boxing pundit Steve Bunce will host the event, which will take place on Saturday April 17th. Headlining the night is the Irish Light Middleweight Title clash between champion Neil Sinclair of Belfast and New York based Arklow native James Moore..


While the return of Buncey is an exciting development, Egan believes it is just a part of what will prove to be a sensational overall fight night package.


“We are delighted to be working with Steve Bunce and Setanta Sports. Steve is a huge name in boxing and he is second to none in terms of boxing commentary and knowledge. Steve will bring something extra to the televised show and we are thrilled to be the first Irish boxing promoters to have him for a fight night since the popular ‘Bring Back Bunce’ campaign was launched,” he said.


“I am promising Irish fight fans a strong card. I am going to make fights that will excite the live and TV audience. Having Setanta involved will also be great for Irish fighters. They will have a platform to display their skills to a wider audience. The link between Tommy Egan Promotions, Banner Promotions, Freddie Roach and Steve Feder means that the fighters could really progress their careers Stateside,” Egan explained before revealing this show will not be a once off.


“This will be the first of many quality Irish cards to be televised. Tommy Egan Promotions will make the Irish Title prestigious once more and will give Irish fight fans quality cards on a regular basis.



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Hopefully this turns out to be true. Tommy Egan-a man who is passionate about Irish boxing and promotes it with great enthusiasm. However, he tends to get carried away and releases these sort of press articles before anything has been signed so they can tend to be unreliable. When I am at the Citywest event and I see the Setanta cameras I will believe it but until then....
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