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I have a few Points 2 Make about what happened last night

Otley Snr

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My first point is I was embarrassed and ashamed on how low Jim Watt & Ian Darke have sunk. These two are sooooo biased over their home fighters, it was that bad that I had to turn the pair off going into the 10th round of the Mitchell v's Prescott fight. The way they were praising Mitchel was absolute madness, I saw Prescott winning the first 4 rounds and then after it was a little better from Mitchell but Darke & Watt where exaggerating to say the least with Mitchells work. I for one DID NOT see Mitchell winning and I scored the fight to Prescott 116-113 and in no way did I have it by a ridiculous margin of 9 rnds, 7 rnds and 6 rnds by the 3 blind mice (THE JUDGES)


My 2nd point is if you ever want to win a title and get matched easy join the Warren fun house. Khan and Warren pair up very nicey because they would screw your mum and then smile happily in your face. These two are a joke, the WBA is a joke and any one who thinks Khan is the next BIG thing after THAT performance is also a JOKE. What I witnessed last night was nothing more than a publicity stunt that went badly wrong and ALL TRUE boxing fans will NOT be fooled by this and will AGREE on where I am coming from on this. Any one who paid 15 pound for this no show performance must be waking up this morning feeling pretty foolish and hopefully learn from this and will never ever pay for this TRIPE AGAIN.



Any way I feel a little better now that I have got that off my chest....here is my score card from the Prescott v Mitchell fight


1 10-9 Prescott

2 10-9 Prescott

3 10-9 Prescott

4 10-9 Prescott

5 9-10 Mitchell

6 9-10 Mitchell

7 9-10 Mitchell

8 10-10

9 10-9 Prescott

10 9-10 Mitchell

11 10-9 Prescott

12 10-9 Prescott


Job Biscuit (Sorry if i went on abit but im getting sick and tired how SKY can think they can do this and nobody notices...but im sure most of us know)!!!



eh eh!! warren//

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sorry otley but you should never score fights again if you had it 116-113!!!!!! to prescott is diabolical!!!!!!mitchell won it convincingly i had it 116-111 mitchell. prescott couldn't get near him. mitchell jabbed his head off and the left hook worked a treat.


watt and darker are crap scorers of fights and got over excited but give mitchell credit otley. he won that fight quite easily.


how you can say darke and watt are so biased is unreal when you have a scorecard like that. nobody and i mean nobody i knw scored the fight to prescott from usa and england

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I have to disagree with you, Kev won the fight Prescott hardly got any punches on him, excellent boxing on the back foot i thought.


Im not complaining about paying £15 either, Simpson & Kev were class and yes the main event didnt last long but thats boxing for you.


I flew 8000k and spent about £2500 to see Hatton get KO'd round 2 so the £15 really is no big deal lol

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TBH I thought Mitchell won the fight, and as Ian says it was a good display of boxing off the back foot. You dont stand and trade with a puncher if you dont need to. As for the money, fortunately for me it was on where I was working so i didn't pay, but its every persons choice, its not compulsory.
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Otley its unanimous...We all think you were actually pissed or High on Weed mlol/


Mitchell was a clear winner and rightly takes the plaudits...I really cannot see how you could have possibly had it any other way and maybe its you thats Anti British fighter and not Watt biased!!

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