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Froch V Calazaghe


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Well its a fight that isnt going to happen so it will have to be sorted out here in Fantasy Fights.


Who do you reckon would win this one. Would Joe simply dance and slap his way to a points victory or would the Cobra catch him and Knock him the hell out

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For me calzaghe lands all night long, frochs too much a easy target. calzaghes workrate would smoother alot of frochs attacking threat


Froch throws few punches and calzaghe weaves in and out with barrels of punches coming back to frochs body/face. for me calzaghe is miles ahead of frochs ability as a fighter . calzaghe wins everyday of the week.


i dont see anything in froch that calzaghe has not already came up against .

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For me calzaghe lands all night long, frochs too much a easy target. calzaghes workrate would smoother alot of frochs attacking threat


Froch throws few punches and calzaghe weaves in and out with barrels of punches coming back to frochs body/face. for me calzaghe is miles ahead of frochs ability as a fighter . calzaghe wins everyday of the week.


i dont see anything in froch that calzaghe has not already came up against .


Absolutely. Plus of course Joe's chin is good enough not to be taken out with one shot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have seen nothing from Froch to suggest he would have had any chance with Joe, he would have been schooled just like Lacey but probably easier Joe was right he did not deserve a shot at the title.

I did think at one time Froch could win the "super six " but not anymore he's just a one trick pony if he can't blast them out in a couple of rounds he has no plan B against Dirrell ( someone else that Joe would have been to good for ) he looked very average.

Joe could have stuck around beating these guys & still been getting flack from the know nothing fringe fans whats the point no let these inferior boxers battle it out for this bauble they still can't hold a candle to Super Joe

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Great post Telboy,


Im sorry to say i have to agree with you, I'll back most British fighters and after the Taylor fight i was all for saying it was nerves, fighting in the States etc but after last weekend im afraid im going to have to change my mind

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  • 2 weeks later...
i see froch quitting on the stool late in the fight, he has zero defense and calzaghe just throws nonstop punches/slaps the whole fight.


mlol/ mlol/ lol// lol// lol// that is the stupidest comment i have ever heard. "i see froch quitting on his stool" froch is a warrior and is no way a quitter

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froch by savage ko. i knw im gonna get some stick for this post mlol/ doesn't take too much too put calzaghe on his arse as byron mitchell showed short right hand put him dwn.when joe got up he was still stunned one more shot from byron and joe would have been ko'd but he showed heart and stopped mitchell(premature stoppage) froch would not let him off the hook if he had joe hurt. if b hop and jones can put him down im sure the cobra can.calzaghe could box froch's ears off.but dont think it would happen. n what is all this talk about super joe telboy mlol/ give me a break he wasn't that good.nigel benn would have slaughtred him
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Joe c wide wide ud. When its all said and done, imo carl froch just isn't that good, he makes hatton look elusive!


froch's defence was better against dirrell. still not good but hattons defense is shocking no head movement and cant take a punch


Ive had this debate so many times before I dont want to go to deep into it, but imo Hattons punch resistance is not as shot as people make out. He was knocked out by Manny, but manny landed about 65 power shots inside 2 rounds, to put that into context thats maybe 6 rounds worth of power shots. Being knocked out is expected with those kind of stats, lack of defence is the problem for me, not his chin.


Anyway Ill leave it at that, dont want to send the thread off topic

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